Project Name: Git Metrics
Current Openings for new Contributors: 2 more Software Developers required as at 15th January 2023

Git Metrics is a tool that provides a report of contributors for a given repository ranked by effort as measured by Git Contributions.

Repository URL: @todo add the repository urls of your project here
Project Start Date: June 2023
Project Status Active
Date Project Owner joined SpaceYaTech May 2023
About the Project Owner:

JD (John Dickerson) is a Brit who has relocated to Kenya and married a Kikuo. JD has an interest in decentralised software that protects the freedoms of people and allows them to collaborate to achieve great things. JD has worked in low latency trading platforms and dot com companies in Europe. JD is currently trying to help young people set up software operations; find jobs and build experience. JD has 20 years plus coding in Java.

JD is playing an active role in introducing and architecting some project concepts in SpaceYaTech. Namely:

  • Each member of SpaceYaTech has a "Software House on Standby" and SpaceYaTech can hold your hand on how to: write tenders to win contracts; how to set up umbrella companies for payroll, how to use Feature Driven Development and Feature payment to reduce risk to all stakeholders.
  • Licenses can have monetisation clauses which state that in the event of monetisation, monies shall be distributed in proportion to effort as measured by git contributions.
  • By the time you graduate your CV should have 7 SpaceYaTech projects on it. Each project owner can give you referencves on demand.


  • Software Dev
  • Thought Experiments
  • Kite Surfing
  • Music Production / Promotion
  • Runs a Reggae Sound System

How to contact: Email:
Tel: +254 (0) 705 841 834
Whatsapp: +254 (0) 705 841 834
Discord: jd_syt
Project Owner git username: javaspeak
Current Contributors
John Dickerson
(project owner)
Status: Active
Discord: jd_syt
Whatsapp: +254 (0) 705 841 834
Tech Stack:


  • Not Applicable

Front end

  • > Not Applicable at the moment, but we could decide to create one of the following in the future:
    • React Web App
    • Java Swing or JavaFx

Command Line Tool

  • Core Java
  • Git Libraries
  • PDF libraries

Joining Requirements:

You should know:

  • Core Java

Plus points if you also know

  • Git Libraries
  • PDF libraries

License: Proprietary licence that states that in the event of monetisation, monies shall be distributed in proportion to effort contributed as measured by metrics such as git contributions
Benefits of Joining:
  • Experience on your CV
  • Improve Core Java skills
  • Learn how to integrate third party libraries
What if I do not yet match joining requirements? JD can point you to resources that allow you to get up to speed with minimum requirements. If you manage to get up to speed in the required areas, you can join the project.
Planned Revenue Streams:
  • None
Funding status and message to prospective investors:
